2018年1月6日 星期六



Taiwan Reforestation Association《Wushe Gaofeng Reforestation Area & Chingjing Quercus Variabilis Forest Ecological Trip 2017/11/19》

This month’s Xiakelo historic trail trip was cancelled due to three-month road reconstruction, so we headed for Weshe and Chingjing for our ecological trip. We were fortunate to have a pretty good weather with cool temperature.
We took the bus along Provincial Highway 14 to Wushe parking lot, and then walked along Gaofeng Lane ( the ridgeline), which separates Mei River(Upstream of Wu River) and Jhuoshuei River. As we hiked towards Mont. Gaofeng, in the east side of the ridgeline is the protective forest in Wan Da Reservoir located in the upstream Jhuoshuei River; it has not been developped as a tea farm, but was planted as a Cryptomeria japonica forest after cutting down the natural forest. Conversely, the forest in the west side of the ridgeline is not listed as a protective forest, so it is mostly  developped as tea farms and fruit farms.
In the west side, there is a slope land around point zero three acre. The slope land was formerly a peach farm. After the landowner decided to cooperate with Taiwan Reforestation Association, it has become our reforestation site. On March 26th, we planted saplings, and every month volounteers come and take care of the saplings. The survival rate is as high as 90 %.
The reforestation plan used the ramaining natural forest Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis plant society as a blueprint and planted major species of trees in the forest such as Pasania hancei var. ternaticupula, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis, and Litsea acutivena. We hope to accelerate natural succession and restore the ultimately biodiverse stable-state forest.
Comparing to the protective forest in the other side of the reforestation site, the ecological functions were reduced due to the densely planted Cryptomeria japonica forest. According to Forest Act no.24 that declares protective forest management is based on tending, and renewing… “Renewing” stands for cutting existing trees and planting desirable trees, which is the management method of an economic forest. The Forest Act was enacted in China back in 1932; the no.24 is being used until now without any revision. Therefore, most of the protective forests are man-planted forests, which also pose negative impacts on wild animals habitats.
What is the difference between natural forest and man-planted forests? Only by experiencing in person can you feel the difference of the species composition, ecological functions, soil and water conservation, and forest ambience. Many people in Taiwan still don’t understand how natural forests function, thinking planting economic trees equals reforestation. The mistake will negativly impact forest succession and restoration of natural forest.
After leaving reforestation area and hiking along the steep slope, we arrived on the top of Mont. Gaofeng located at an altitude of 1563 meters. Here is still the Cryptomeria japonica forest, after the lecture, everyone can distinguish the difference of natural forests and man-planted forests.
離開了高峰山,我們再搭車前往清境農場的「青青草原停車場」。這個停車場旁的邊坡,因為是路基,不能做任何的開發、開墾等,故殘存著一小片的天然林。我們在這裡拉設了10m × 10m的樣區,這片森林是「栓皮櫟-山香圓」優勢的植物社會,樹冠層的樹種有「栓皮櫟、青楓、賊仔樹、狹葉櫟、臺灣赤楊」,第二層喬木及灌木有「山香圓、小葉桑、石楠、霧社禎楠、呂宋莢迷、杜虹花、阿里山榆、長尾栲、巒大越橘、台東莢迷、長葉木薑子、狹葉櫟」,樣區記錄詳如附件。
Later we left Mont. Gaofeng and headed for Chingjing Green Green Grassland parking lot. The slope area beside the parking is not allowed for any development or plantation because it is the road foundation. Thus, there is a small remaining natural forest in the slope area. We set a 10 meter by 10 meter sampling area to explore the forest dominated by Quercus variabilis and Turpinia formosana. The plant species found in the canopy layer are Quercus variabilis, Acer serrulatum, Tetradium meliaefolia, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides, Alnus formosana. The arbors and the shrubs found in the lower treee levels are Turpinia formosana, Morus australis, Photinia serratifolia, Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis, Viburnum luzonicum, Callicarpa formosana, Ulmus uyematsui, Castanopsis carlesii, Vaccinium randaiense, Viburnum taitoense, Litsea acutivena, Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides. The sampling area survey report is as attached.
The purpose of this ecological trip to let our members aware that the Chingjing Farm was formerly a forest, not a cultivated grassland. If Chingjing Farm is to proceed reforestation of natural forests, the remaining natural forests is to serve as a blueprint for the reforestation. 
After the survey, on our way home, we saw this “vocation spot” was still crowded with tourists and cars. The hill side has been overused without being protected by forests. These years Nantou County Government even proposes to change this mountain area into “urban planning division” as to legalize the illgal constructions.
Chingjing at the time being is the result of previous wrongdoings. What is the place going to be like in the future relies more people to better understand the ecological operation in Chingjing. We believe only when Chingjing become a forest again, can it lower the risk of landslides. Chingjing will be home to all living things and people more prosperous with forests than without.
Special Thanks:
We want to thank the members assisting photograpy, notetaking, and administration work. We want to thank the members bringing fruit to share with everybody, and lastly, thank Hsin Yi Chen for leading the ecological survey and thank everybody for your participation.
Taiwan Reforestation Association
《Chingjing Quercus Variabilis Forest Ecological Survey》
Date: 2017/11/19
Site Name: Slope area next to Green Green Grassland Parking Lot, Renai Township, Nantou County
Plant Society: Quercus variabilis- Turpinia formosana

Slope 35°; Slope Direction 135°

Height Above Sea Level: 1926m
Sample Area: 10m×10m
座標:N:24°03'34.24";E: 120°09'51.92"
Coordinate: N:24°03'34.24";E: 120°09'51.92"

Surveyor: Hsin Yi Chen; Notetaker: Lin Yu Qian
T1 Upper Tree Layer, Height 15 m, Range of Cover 80%

Quercus variabilis(3,2) , Acer serrulatum(3,1), Tetradium meliaefolia(3,1), Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides(2,1), Alnus formosana(2,1), Passiflora edulis(+,2), Actinidia callosa(1,2)
~ S灌木層,高度7m,覆蓋度50%~
S Shrub Layer, Height 7m, Range of Cover 50%
Turpinia formosana(3,1), Morus australis(2,1), Photinia serratifolia(1,+) Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis(1,+), Viburnum luzonicum(1,1), Callicarpa formosana(1,1), Elaeagnus glabra(1,+), Ulmus uyematsui(1,+), Polygonum multiflorum var. hypoleucum(+,2), Tetrastigma umbellatum(1,2), Castanopsis carlesii(1,+), Vaccinium randaiense(1, +), Viburnum taitoense(1,2), Passiflora edulis(+,1), Actinidia callosa(+,1), Tetrastigma formosanum(+,2), Litsea acutivena(1,+), Cyclobalanopsis stenophylloides(1,+)
H: herbaceous layer, Height 1.5m, Range of Cover 85%

Morus australis(+,+),Viburnum luzonicum(1,1), Callicarpa formosana(+,+),chyranthes aspera var. rubro-fusca(2,2), Asparagus cochinchinensis(+,1), Alpinia shimadae(2,3), Tetrastigma formosanum(1,2), Microlepia strigosa(+,1), Cyrtococcum accrescens(2,2), Lepisorus monilisorus(+,1), Dryopteris subintegriloba(2,2), Passiflora edulis(+,1), Gynura japonica(+,1), Tetrastigma umbellatum(1,2), Aristolochia kaempferi(+,2), Piper kadsura(1,2), Polygonum chinense(+,1), Polygonum multiflorum var. hypoleucum(1,1), Dumasia villosa ssp. Bicolor(+,1), Goodyera maximowicziana(+,1), Smilax bracteata(+,1), Litsea acutivena(+,1), Machilus zuihoensis var. mushaensis(+,1), Actinidia callosa(+,+),Callicarpa randaiensis(+,+),Prunus phaeosticta(+,+),Physalis peruviana(+,+),Viburnum taitoense(1,2), Rubia lanceolata(+,+),Kadsura japonica(+,1), Clematis uncinata(+,2), Elaeagnus glabra(+,+),Hedera rhombea var. for


